Life’s all about commitment - and the same here.

I commit to you and to meeting your needs - and I need you to commit too.

  • Sessions take place at the same time each week to create a sense of momentum and process.

  • We have weekly sessions, with only rare exceptions, because interruptions disturb the process, and waste your time and investment.

  • I'll often set you homework. It won't be arduous but to get the most from the process, you need to take it seriously.

  • Change requires honesty. It can be hard and feel exposing - but we have to leave our egos at the door. No role playing, no game playing. 

Self-development or Solution-Focused, it's your choice

For more information about what to expect, please hit the FAQ button. For other questions, please use the Contact form.

Self-discovery can be a scary journey to start - but it's the most rewarding journey you'll ever make, I promise. 



  • handling your inner critic

  • strengthening your sense of self

  • managing anxiety and stress

  • coping with external change

  • support with changing direction

  • being in relationship

  • existential angst


  • work-life balance

  • how you show up at work

  • your professional brand

  • your relationship with work and money

  • achieving your ambitions

  • outperforming yourself

  • how you value yourself

  • changing role or employer

  • developing your leadership style


  • relationships at home

  • being a dad

  • being a partner

  • changing roles

  • screens, games and social media

  • bereavement

Career Coaching

Most self-development just 'happens', ad hoc, as the result of life experiences - and that's a normal way to learn and grow.

But working with a professional can be so much more effective : quicker and more thorough, supporting you to develop your own coherent, empowering belief system.

Most people come to self-development with a direct challenge they need to address : an area that is challenging them and perhaps challenging their ideas about life and the world.

Below are some of the most common areas I work with.

Career coaching is relevant at many stages of a career as we evolve our professional skills and also our sense of fulfilment in our work.

So whether you're looking to find a new position, a new contract. want to change direction or looking to change ways of working, please click here for more detail.


In the first session, we'll talk about your goals, challenges and ambitions, discuss and agree the best course of action for you to achieve the change you’re looking for.

Planning is in six week blocks.

Our aim is to identify a primary challenge and goal for each six week block.

At the end of six weeks, we'll make a point of reviewing progress and you'll decide if you want to continue or break.

Intensives are usually a single day, in two blocks with a break for lunch.

The Career Coaching intensive involves two meetings every week for four weeks.

INITIAL consultation (55 MINS)


first six sessions (55 MINS)


SUBSEQUENT sessions (55 MINS)






